Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Lego Minifigures Series 16 Wildlife Photographer Review

This is my 16th and final review of the Lego Collectable Minifigures Series 16. I wanted to get these all done and dusted before January 1st when the Lego Batman Movie collectable minifigure series was released but I've been so busy over December that I just couldn't find the time. Oh well better late then never as they say and once I've gotten all of these out of the way I can focus on some other interesting things to review. So here we have the Wildlife Photographer which turned out to be one of my unexpected favourites of the series. I actually think this is a great time to review this figure as she is definitely dressed for January in the UK.

The hood piece she is wearing is nothing new but this time it comes in blue with a light blue fluffy rim. She has two face prints and both are quite interesting. One face has blue goggles for walking around in those troublesome snowstorms and the other face looks like a winky face at first but when lined up with her camera you can tell it's intended for her to get a better look in the viewfinder. She has a cozy looking red and blue jacket with lots of pockets and nice printing on both the front and the back of the torso. Both the arms and legs are dual molded with red and various shades of blue which is a nice touch. Her hands are dark blue which gives the feel of nice warm gloves in that cold weather. Her accessory is a standard Lego camera but with a black apollo stud attached to create the look of a fancy lens attachment. The main draw of this set is the new penguin mold which looks great. He's an adorable little guy with a stud on his back for attaching things. I've noticed that they have already started using this new mold in Lego Batman Movie 70909 Batcave Break-in instead of the usual brick built penguins that we're used to.

This is a great figure with lots of cool details and the added bonus of the unique penguin which I believe is the only way to get this new penguin without scary red eyes. The best way to feel for this figure is to look for the penguin as he is unique enough not to be mistake for something else.


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